Lavender Augustofolia

Lavender oil is the second main product for our company. It is obtained from the plant Lavender Augustofolia. The production method of Lavender oil is steam distillation processing. The main components are linalool, linalyl acetate, 1,8-cineol. terpinen-4-ol, and camphor which forms the overall scent. The hydrocarbons in the Lavender oil serve as fixator of the scent making it long-lasting. It is highly valued in fragrance, cosmetics industries and in aromatherapy İt has increased its use due to the relaxing and antistress effects. The production seasons happens twice a year – an early Summer and late autumn a costly process, as all the blossoms are hand-picked, and it takes between 55– 65 kilograms of fresh material for one kilogram of the pure lavender oil.

• Sown amount of bush to the 33 ha– 330000 pcs
• Annual harvest capacity – 70 tons of fresh lavender
• Annual production capacity – 1200 kg lavender oil
• Method of extraction – steam distillation

Peak Name Area (pA*min) Rel.Area %
1 Linalool 7,518 0-1
2 Heptadecan 13,218 1-2
3 Geranylacetat 13,169 1-2
4 b-Citronellol 221,459 23-28
5 Damascone Detected 0,01-0,02
6 Nerol 95,536 12-14
7 Geraniol 209,107 22-26
8 Nonadecan 110,364 8-10