Picual Olive Variety - Originating from Spari, Spain, in the regions of Jaen, Cordova, and Granada, the Picual olive is a late-maturing (November-December) and cold-resistant variety. It is suitable for mechanical harvesting and stands out for its high and consistent productivity.

Key Features:
Late-maturing and cold-resistant olive variety.
Suitable for mechanical harvesting.
High and consistent yield.
Oil content ranges from 23% to 28% in fully ripe fruits.
Olives must undergo cold pressing within 24 hours after harvesting.
Low acidity.
High polyphenol content (300-700 ppm).
The color of the oil is green.
Taste reminiscent of figs and tomatoes.
Low bitterness compared to other varieties.
Aroma: a light plant scent.