UCB1 Rootstock - Pistachio rootstock

Originating from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), the UCB1 rootstock is a hybrid of P. atlantica and P. integerrima developed by Dr. Lee Ashworth, a professor in the plant pathology department. Both parents are homozygous, resulting in rootstocks that show minimal variation.

Key Features:
A robust rootstock developed to be resistant to soilborne diseases like Phytophthora root rot, nematodes, salinity, and cold. UCB1 is one of the latest and most popular rootstocks for pistachios, known for its resilience. Ideally planted in spring, it can be grafted onto after 3-4 months or even in the summer and still be ready for grafting in the same year. The plant's propagation in laboratories is feasible. Accelerates plant development and encourages early fruiting.