VSL-2 - Cherry rootstock

"VSL-2" is a dwarf cherry rootstock obtained through the hybridization of Lannesian cherry with desert cherryies.

Plant characteristics: "VSL-2" is a dwarf cherry rootstock with a height of 2-2.5 meters, forming a circular canopy. It induces dwarfing of the grafted variety by 40-60%. The duration of the vegetation period is 160-165 days. It can be planted at a rate of 800-1000 trees per hectare. It exhibits high adaptability to different soils. It is resistant to bacterial canker, coccomycosis, nematodes, and foliar diseases, while being sensitive to viruses. It easily adapts to heavy soils and is tolerant to drought. It is transplanted to the soil in the fall, with almost zero loss of vigor during this period. It starts bearing fruit in the third year, and the productive period of the grafted variety is 15-18 years. Recommended planting distances are 5x2.5 meters.

Tree size Tolerance to Lime Resistance to Groundwater Tolerance to Drought